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Scenic Spot 2. Jangja Lake Park

Scenic Spot 2. Jangja Lake Park

Jangja Lake Park img1

Lake Park

Jangja Lake Park was created by Guri City by restoring Jangjamot in Topyeong District.

Jangja Lake Park img2

In result of Guri's efforts to plant trees along the embankment with hiking trails and create an eco-friendly environment, it was selected ad " Successful Case of Natural Ecological Restoration" by the Ministry of Environment in February 2005.

It is about 25 acres with a 3.6㎞-long hiking trail.

its outdoor stage offers various concerts and exhibitions on weekends to attract local people for leisure life.

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 정보통신과
  • 전화번호 031-550-2089
  • 최종수정일 2024-06-17