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Recognition of Refugee Status

Recognition of Refugee Status

What is a “refugee?”

The term “refugee” means a foreigner who is unable or does not desire to receive protection from the nation of his/her nationality in well-grounded fear that he/she is likely to be persecuted based on race, religion, nationality, the status of a member of a specific social group, or political opinion, or a stateless foreigner who is unable or does not desire to return to the nation in which he/she resided before entering the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as “nation of settlement”) in such fear. (Article 2 (1) of the Refugee Act)

Application for Recognition of Refugee Status

Where to apply

  • Stateless foreigners in the Republic of Korea must apply for refugee status with the local immigration office or foreigner-related office (immigration agency, foreigner-related agency, immigration office, foreigner-related office, branch office, immigration processing center, etc.).
  • Stateless foreigners entering or landing in the Republic of Korea must submit an application form for refugee status to the head of the local immigration office or foreigner-related office having jurisdiction over the port of entry and departure.

When to apply

  • Foreigners entering or landing in the Republic of Korea can apply for refugee status regardless of their period of stay from the date of entry or landing.
  • The application form for recognition of refugee status at the port of entry and departure should be submitted during the immigration process.

Documents to be submitted

  • Application form for recognition of refugee status
  • Passport (Provided, That where it is impossible to present a passport or other documents due to unavoidable reasons such as escaping from an imminent threat to life or body, a written explanatory statement thereon.)

Documents that provide evidence that the applicant needs refugee status in the Republic of Korea

  • One (1) color photo of the applicant (3.5cm × 4.5cm)
  • Reference documents, etc. for refugee status screening (documents, photos, videos, etc.)
  • A physical examination report and other documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc. if he/she is accompanied by his /her spouse or child/children) may be required where an application for recognition of refugee status is submitted while staying in Korea.

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 정보통신과
  • 전화번호 031-550-2089
  • 최종수정일 2024-06-17